Exel Computer Systems plc is a leading force in the provision of comprehensive business solutions for manufacturing companies and field service providers. It provides clients with state-of-the-art, flexible business solutions crucial to achieving leading-edge business operability.

Both the ERP and field service solutions have the same code base. Its attractiveness stems from its comprehensiveness as a one-stop shop, with a flexible functionality to customise in accordance with customer requirements and licensing. Delving deeper into Exel’s field service software, Eagle Field Service was designed to meet the needs and overcome challenges that a modern service company might face with the market’s standalone field service management software.

As an all-encompassing FSM solution, the Eagle Field Service system brings together all core business aspects for efficient field service operations in a single hub. It provides relevant modules and functionality, establishing a centralised workflow enviroment with accurate, real-time data at the fingertips of engineers, back-office operators, and management. Having a single source of truth enables companies to achieve increased efficiency and customer service, maximise profits, and build competitive advantage

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