Komfort employee on the shop floor

Originally part of the nine-company Laidlaw Interiors Group, Wednesbury-headquartered building partitioning system manufacturer Komfort Partitioning Ltd first adopted Exel Computer Systems’ EFACS E/8 ERP system back in 2012.

But in 2015, the Laidlaw group hit financial difficulties, going into administration in December 2015. A few days later, Komfort Partitioning was sold to a private equity group.

The immediate challenge for Komfort’s IT team: separate the Komfort business’s EFACS E/8 instance from the rest of the nine-company ERP installation.

The longer-term challenge: exploit EFACS E/8’s extensive customisation toolkit, analytics and development extensions to build a fresh new ERP system customised for Komfort’s own requirements.

For the first three months of 2016, relates Komfort IT Manager, Scott Foxall, the agenda was all about stability – moving servers, and closing down active ledgers and financial reporting systems in the pre-administration companies, and transitioning Komfort away from a multi-company instance of EFACS E/8.

“We’d been operating as a single company within a multi-company structure, so we had to strip out a lot of the resulting complexity and multi-company, multi-site capabilities,” he recalls.

But with that chore complete, Komfort could then begin to build something precisely tailored for its own needs – for which Foxall and Komfort’s broader executive team had ambitious plans.

Click here to read the case study in full to see the benefits achieved.

Komfort installation of office space

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